Fantasies, Desires, and Needs
To continue emotional healing and releasing 5th chakra blockages,
It’s very important to know our own fantasies, desires and needs.
How can I know myself unless I know the full range of what I want?
Fantasies are patterns of longing in imagination - generally, ideal wishes.
Sometimes they’re very confused & incompatible with limits of 3D society.
Although many fantasies can never be experienced physically in this world,
Such dreams point to deeper emotional needs, which we can fulfill in this life.
Desires are patterns of hope in personal mind - some deep and very important.
Others are born of emotional conflict and suffering, perhaps even self-harming.
Knowing our desires well, we make friends with neglected aspects of deep mind.
No desire is wrong or bad, though some are harmful; yet, they can all be loved.
Needs are core soul patterns of emotional and spiritual necessity - balanced and true.
Most of us have the same core needs; thus we form groups, relationships & families.
We may fantasize about a perfect soulmate, but what we really want is internal experience:
The satisfaction of core needs for spiritual intimacy, free sharing, and heart-centered joining.
I wrote a poem about the dance between desire, fantasy, and conscious dreaming:
“When you can’t have it, accept that you can’t have it.
You might have it later, but now you do not.
There are many good reasons why you don’t have it.
By free will over time, I created this condition that feels like deficiency.
By love-wisdom outside time, Higher Self made this plan for my learning.
Not-having is not punishment, nor to give me heartache.
I still have much to learn, and I’m not yet truly free.
But, if you can’t have it in the world,
You can still have it in your mind - so,
Dream it.
Dream it fully.
Let your imagination hit the limits of the fantasy.
Becoming extreme isn’t a problem; this is just spiritual practice.
I love and trust myself enough to walk through dark shadows.
I will not harm anyone; there is no need to worry.
By dreaming it fully,
For the first time you’ll truly know it.
You’ll know how it feels to have it,
Because you’re truly living it in mind.
By creating and surrendering to profound inner fantasy,
I directly experience the fulfillment of my desire, in mind.
Deep mind energy-fields transform by the alchemy of balanced, directed fantasy.
Feeling it deeply alone, I am living it now -
Ancient longing is softened
by living true feeling in the dreaming.”
Mind is the problem.
Mind is the solution.
Dissolve the problem of mind in the solution of mind.
This can only be done in the solvent of balanced love-wisdom!
Scott Mandelker
San Francisco, CA
March 18, 2008
All praise to the hidden teachers.
《To my Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow》
《“Lessons from a “Dead Man”:
Sensuality and the Doors of Perception》
《A Small Spark’s Wandering: Part I - Coming to Earth》
《Fantasies, Desires, and Needs》
《The 5th Chakra: Part II》
《The 5th Chakra: Part I》
愛、痛み そして 癒し
《Love,Pain and Cure》
《Going Beyond Strong,Smart,and Kindly》
《Instant Karma at the Grocery Store》
《Looking Again at Life-Purpose》
《One Reason why we Suffer》
《Human Suffering and Living in Reality》
《New Year’s Greeting from San Francisco》
アメリカからの見解、パートⅠ: 精神的始動(スピリチュアル・イニシエーション)と世界危機
《Comments from America, part I: Spiritual Initiation and the World Crisis》
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