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Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War |
Our comparative analysis of Gnostic conceptions of Yahweh, data from The Ra Material about Confederation attempts to serve humanity, and the depiction of subsequent Orion-group distortions leaves us many things to ponder. Did Gnostics really know of the cosmo-dynamics of the Hebrew dispensation in line with Ra's teaching? Was there a true esoteric basis to their condemnation of Old Testament lore and Judaic orthodoxy, beyond petty inter-group rivalry? Did some Gnostic teachers have far greater comprehension of human-ET relations than the fanciful mythologies of some texts would lead us to believe? Some of these curious texts were likely veiled documents in their entirety, coded messages to adepts and Gnostic initiates. Personally, I tend to think the Gnostics knew quite a bit about universal order, and simply used religious terms common to their age to both express some things, and veil yet others. What I think we see in their texts is a composite of various elements: imaginative mythology, veiled esoteric symbolism, anti-Judeo/Christian polemics -- and here and there, precise statements about the hidden side of human history and our relations with non-human, inter-dimensional groups. I certainly don't pretend to understand all that they meant. However, what is certainly clear for all to see is that inter-group warfare has raged globally for the past 3,000 years, and the Mid East is no less violent today than ever. Given the advance of technology, the Mid East is actually more violent today (a by-product of so-called Western civilization), and is now the primary flash point of mass destruction. I have no doubt battles have been waged for millennia to influence human thought and behavior, with the hidden hand of positive and negative ET groups both working upon humanity in accord with their own divergent aims. It may be a long while before we get the full story on the Gnostics, and just how much they understood trans-planetary relations. It is often hard to sort out what part of any spiritual teaching represents true esoteric realization, versus that which is garbled distortion of immature minds. Occult fact often abuts mythic symbol and childish hyperbole, but it does push us toward a useful exercise of discernment. As always, however, only few souls here have eyes to see. But for those with sharpened vision, the Gnostic perspective offers great insight into the roots of Judeo-Christian teaching, not only as a critique of orthodoxy, but also in their veiled statements about Jesus, cosmic Christ and the adept path. As the collective human gaze fixes once again on the Middle East, it is a fitting time to reexamine the Gnostic system as one of the main roots of Western mysticism. That a claimed ET group could echo many of their teachings by telepathic contact 2000 years down the road is certainly to their credit. If we truly turn our eyes toward a greater cosmic view of conditioned human life, then the Gnostic wish is fulfilled. SOURCES
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