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Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War |
(Part IV)
What emerges from all this is a modern esoteric (cosmo-dynamic) confirmation of the old Gnostic position against the Judaic dispensation of Yahweh and the Mosaic Code. Ra's view supports their claim that these indeed did come from sources hostile and essentially inimical to humanity's spiritual evolution. The purpose of such restrictive, controlling dogma was to inhibit the growth of human love and freedom -- though I doubt the negative ET groups are actually "ignorant of their subaltern rank in the hierarchy of being," as some Gnostic texts state. At the higher levels, they too know of forces above them. Ra notes that an entity truly aware of the Law of One would never command, "Thou shalt not" to another (p.152-3), which perfectly supports Gnostic antinomianism and their contention that the moral strictures of their day were invented to actually prevent human divinization, and are of corrupt origin. Early Gnostics considered the entire Judeo-Christian church-state pyramid structure as a distorted creation of "false gods" -- arrogant, jealous, and highly vengeful in themselves. Likewise, Ra states that, "the purpose of the Orion group as mentioned before, is conquest and enslavement. This is done by finding and establishing an elite and causing others to serve the elite through various devices such as the [Mosaic] laws you mentioned and others given by this entity [Moses]" (p.152). An early Gnostic would simply say, "yes." Indeed, the whole theme of reversal -- the oppositorum between appearance and reality in human religious systems, born of Archonic duplicity -- is central to Gnostic cosmology, eschatology, and their iconoclastic notions of Yahweh. It runs through all aspects of Gnostic teaching beginning with their Genesis story in the Garden of Eden. The Apocryphon of John tells us how the first Archon (also called Ilaldabaoth or Yahweh) placed Adam (also created by the Archons) in paradise simply in order to deceive him. This text tells how he was directed towards a counterfeit spirit and tree of life to prevent him from discovering his own perfection. Their idea is that even the Garden of Eden was a trick, a false front thrown up to prevent the original seed-man from realizing his true divine nature. The primal deception was rooted in the tempting lure of external objects. Thus, what Adam called delight (Eden) was really "bitter" and all sorts of trickery then followed, aiming to keep him and his descendants from knowing their innate self-perfection, the gnosis of cosmic self-revelation within which all illusions are dispelled. Interestingly, all three Near East religions, Judaism-Islam-Christianity (at least in their exoteric aspect) also consider the dictum that, "I am God" to be the great heresy. The yawning gap between Man and God is considered inviolable, while in the Hindu tradition (echoed in more nuanced way by the clever Buddhists) this idea is considered a sign of the summit of self-realization. Thus Western culture is known for its control over the environment, while traditional Eastern spirituality aims to work upon the inner. In Gnostic texts, what ordinary people call "life" is spoken of as sleep, drunken stupor, already a realm of the dead, and cleverly cut off from the Great Life that is home to our true spiritual spark. Shadows of the film, Matrix can be seen here as well, and no doubt its writers were familiar with the Gnostic view of most humans as thickly dulled to the real. The key to this whole Archonic scheme of human imprisonment is the maintenance of our forgetting true Life, divine human origin, nature and destiny. All works of the lesser powers are bent toward prevention of this awakening -- while all the efforts of true Gnostics (past, present and future) are directed toward self-unveiling. Thus today we see all around us the struggles between those who seek love and those who control. Fundamentalists of all grades are in a dogged rear-guard fight the world over, seeking retrenchment of the lines of social control. Gnostic opposition to the elitism of both Judaic and Christian ecclesiasticism is well argued, both politically and metaphysically. Regardless of whether or not the creators of our planetary matrix were evil (which Ra does not support), then at least the maintenance of contemporary institutions appeared to them of evil provenance. Any form of elitism engenders divisiveness and patterns of superiority, which Ra deems "a distorted perception of oneness with other-selves" (p.175). Thus, Epiphanes challenged established dogma in support of Gnostic metaphysics when he boldly wrote, "the most absurd of all earthly laws is the one that has the temerity to say: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,' for it repudiates community and deliberately chooses separation" (Lacarriere, p.71). Such teaching is way too anarchic (un-Archonic?) for most moderns, let alone fundamentalists to handle. Yes, his statement actually repudiates Orion elitism, supported by rigid commandments and the legalistic-punitive enforcement structure to which they gave birth (all in evidence today). It is also clear rejection of the separativeness fostered by a philosophy of social stratification, law, regulation, and the autocracy of a chosen few (the rulers who write the rules). The aim of Gnostic ritual sexual license (widely and fervently condemned by Christian leaders of the day) was actually to thwart entrenched Archonic designs, already encoded in human law. Namely, they believed the legalistic monogamy of their day (not much changed in ours) merely fostered isolation of the spiritual sparks on Earth. Even today, "free love" is given a bad name. The Gnostics believed that elitism and strict morality (ie, structures of Judeo-Christian dogma) fostered separation and suppressed love, and their practices were meant to counter this negative tendency. The egalitarianism, communal ownership of property and marriage partners, and lack of strict rules in Gnostic communities all embodied their conscious opposition to service-to-self trends wherever they might be found. Indeed, they were radical (from the Latin word radix, meaning, "root") and proud of it. Perhaps somewhat naïvely, they felt religion ought to bring humanity together, not create division. Clearly, this has not been the history of human religions, so perhaps they did know something their contemporaries were missing. Whether Gnostics had knowledge of an ET Orion Empire is unclear, but they certainly acted and taught in the line of direct opposition to their developing "serious inroads" into collective human mores. In my view, the initial dispensation of elitist philosophy 3,600 years ago set the stage for centuries of ongoing Mid East conflict (and later, global conflict), as volatile now as ever. Essentially, the crowning achievement of the negative-god inroads, according to Ra, "allowed the Orion group to form the concept of the holy war as you may call it. This is a seriously distorted perception. There were many of these wars of a destructive nature" (italics added, p.175). Holy war, it seems, is still all the rage in the human family. The major planetary distortion of so-called holy war (affirming the potential sanctity of inter-group violence, which of course all warring groups claim for themselves) truly "apes positivity" -- and was unfortunately accepted by ethnic groups the world over (no need to name names). Thus, according to Ra, the first jihad was inspired by negative ET sources capitalizing on the advantage of physical prowess possessed by certain genetically improved human groups. Since the time of Moses' mistaken contact with the "false Yahweh" (substituting itself for the original, benevolent Yahweh Confederation group), almost every organized religion has taken the bait, to the detriment of humanity, despite knowing better. Traditional Gnostic conceptions of Yahweh may be relatively accurate assessments of evil false-god tendencies meant to thwart human evolution -- in accord with Ra. Although I don't agree with their exclusive focus on Judeo-Christian culpability, the overall Gnostic cosmology does strike a chord. How many pure souls here have never wondered about deceptive, non-physical groups interfering with human life, presenting themselves as divinity yet acting in the way of dominion? The notion of War in Heaven is very old indeed. |
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