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The next war is now begun, bombs are falling and fear is growing. We wonder where it will lead, with no prospect of quick solution or calm discussion to come save the day. Many of us seeking love and peace now wonder where we fit in, what's the point of being here, and why the troubles keep coming. And yet they do, and likely will, but we need not fall helpless to our knees, and need not despair. Facing the facts is one thing, keeping balance is another. During a counseling session tonight, we talked about current events and a likely scenario for the next 5 years (some of which you'll find in the essay, "Facing Human Destiny"). We talked over what to do to help, and the apparent impotence of our position. Not seeking political power, those who simply love and hope for the best can't stop the hate of those who favor violence and revenge, nor can we dissolve weapons held on both sides (and by the way, nor will ET elders strip us of them either). Yet, there is much we can do, and our role is not without power at all -- though we ought to be realistic, and as RA said, we may have to quit our need to "expect results upon visible planes." Overall, it's a little like sitting in a bomb shelter. During the session, I said that Wanderers are those who put their arms around people crying and bereft beside us in the bomb shelter. We can't run to the street and wail to the sky for bombs to stop falling, though some of us may do so and there's certainly some nobility in the deed. But I for one, and most Wanderers and people of goodwill don't have political power -- so our primary service is simply to those around us, bringing comfort, understanding, solace and wisdom as possible. Faced with such options, here is where "keeping our balance" comes in: we can't serve too much or all that well unless we stay centered, head above water, in touch with the full gamut of emotional process, ears open to what's being said (verbally and at deeper levels) by all those around us. Our job is to stay well connected to heart, love, spirit and will. During the session, we could see humanity as a single body, a single being with far distant limbs and organs, disconnected from complete self-communication. Thus we see the most economically developed, and nearly most technologically advanced nation pitted against those among the least. One part of the body lives in relative luxury while the other has been in pain a very long time. One part enjoys great personal freedom and mobility while the other has been locked in poverty, with few options, seemingly forever. Looking at a map of the globe, I imagine Afghanistan is about as far away from the US as you can get, and in many ways, the two nations are polar opposites. Looking at humanity as a single being, we see two elements of that being in nearly total disconnection, and ironically, we now have to confront each other -- our ways and social values, our personal lives and relative security and standards of living. Ironically, this war joins two cultures in many ways diametrically opposed -- one that (claims to) value the individual and material prosperity above all, and the other that strictly demands traditional group law and its version of spiritual duty. Humanity, as a single being, must confront itself in a very difficult way. But given the strife, struggle and lack of love rampant in 3D humanity for the last 5,000 years, it's no wonder the confrontation now occurs through the barrel of a gun. Americans must confront the nature and long-term effects of our foreign policy, and Moslems need to ask themselves if violence really serves their aims, and really does the will of God. We could both benefit from re-examining our cultural assumptions, priorities, and the forms and extent of our own political participation. Only kindness and mutual support creates lasting peace and security, and the more true friends made, the fewer enemies we'll all have. Since we now find ourselves devoid of such security, we need to take a look at ourselves as well as those who've breached it. We can throw blame freely, it does relieve some anger, and aggressors are easy to find. But that is not enough, and only self-examination really heals, leading to greater comprehension of ourselves and the whole body of humanity, both near and far. In his recent message, Bin Laden stated three complaints: the Palestinian homeland, the US-led bombing and Iraqi sanctions, and foreign troops in Saudi Arabia. In the midst of a religious diatribe, these points sounded a different note. Frankly, the issues here do need review, though that's no excuse for terrorism and the need to bring its perpetrators to justice, on all sides. Given the will to compromise (which likely won't be found in the halls of power for some time, if ever), I'm sure win-win solutions could be found. But both sides are in no mood for discussion, and thus, a cycle of violence spins on. The real question is if the two sides will EVER arrive at the point at which they sincerely want honest compromise. When they arrive at that point, lasting peace will then be born -- but until they do, continuing war seems likely. As to the individual, those of us who only love will surely be spun by recent events, then spun again by more conflict in months to come. To the adept -- the one who works from 6th chakra completion in awareness of the One Creator and Law of Free Will, founded in balanced love-wisdom (4th and 5th chakra activation) -- it is very clear that love is not enough for real spiritual maturity. Love without wisdom is kindly but weak, well intentioned but dull, seeking outer harmony without inner power to realize its fundaments. It is easily duped, easily led, and easily set off balance. Love without wisdom lacks mental force, accurate discernment, and contact with inner self needed to access the force of spiritual will. Lacking will, both world service and comprehension of world events are ineffective, shaky and spotty. Facing headlines of the day, love without wisdom is in the dark trying to understand roots of war and violence, and the means to lasting 3D harmony. Unless we develop clear mind reason, and maturity to face and accept the free will decisions of the other-selves with whom we disagree (the near and distant portions of the body-humanity), we are going to have a hard time sailing the rough seas of the next decade. Interestingly, despite the horror, war is considered one of the primary forms of experiential catalyst that can enable us to realize our greater powers and spiritual harmony -- just as we already see millions of people soul searching in light of recent events. In session #33 on March 1, 1981, RA addressed this point with an overview of the major influences stimulating soul evolution:
Moreover, RA predicted war to be likely in the lead-up to Harvest or Ascension in 2010-2013 A.D., when Earth assumes its 4th density energy field at the start of the "New Age". The following exchange took place on August 8, 1981 in session #65, reflecting the value of world crisis for personal growth
War or peace, in harmony or not, what's central to soul is seeking and service: seeking to know, love and become whole, and service to others as needed. No doubt, world crisis is ample grist for the mill, and though we may feel ourselves sitting helpless in the bomb shelter, balanced love-wisdom is always an option, and infinite power is always with us. San Francisco, CA October 8, 2001 |
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