David Wilcock

March 2, 2002

With the work of Dr. S.V. Smelyakov and Y. Karpenko on the Mayan Calendar [6], we may well have the "smoking gun" to prove scientifically that a fundamental energetic change is occurring throughout the entire Solar System at this time, fostering a crucial link between the local effects on the Sun, Earth and other planets and the effects upon the consciousness of humanity. Since distant ancient times, all of these prophesied changes have been associated with the culmination of a 25,920-year master cycle known as "precession". In Shift of the Ages [10], we demonstrate how this cycle can be seen in the long-term activity of the Sun [3] as well as the rotation of the Earth's axis. We also show how the Mayan Calendar cycle, at 5,125 years in length, is exactly one-fifth of the precession. [10] John Major Jenkins, one of the speakers at our upcoming event in Louisville, KY on April 26-28, 2002, has demonstrated that on Dec. 21, 2012, the end-date for this cycle, the long-term "precessional" orientation of the Earth's axis is perfectly aligned with the center of the galaxy. [4] And now, Dr. Smelyakov et al. have added dramatic new evidence to the case in their paper entitled "The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Calendar." [6] This article you are now reading is the very first account of this groundbreaking study to be published worldwide, other than the paper itself, which has remained completely obscure from the Internet-based metaphysical culture at large. This is almost certainly due to its degree of sophistication, making it almost indecipherable to those not educated in physics and mathematics.

Smelyakov's discovery is based on his earlier investigations of the ratio known as "phi" or the Golden Section and how it unifies and correlates the following phenomena [6]:

  • all the fundamental phenomena in biology (cell and physiological rhythms)
  • cyclical events in botany (vegetative cycles, etc.)
  • cycles in zoology (counts of head of livestock, number of fishes caught, etc.)
  • meteorological cycles of the weather
  • the physics of the movements of the Sun and the Earth
  • the ebb and flow of human emotion as seen in financial market activities (Kondratiev cycle [2] and others)
  • events through history such as wars and levels of population
  • cycles of criminal behavior
  • earthquakes and other epic natural disasters
  • cycles of sudden variation in Carbon-14 radiation content in tree rings

Those who have studied sacred geometry or read my books and / or others on the subject are well aware of the importance of the phi ratio, which has a value of 1.6180339. This ratio can be easily seen in the relationships between common "Diatonic" musical frequencies as well as the natural proportions of growing bacteria clusters, plant life, animal life and the human body. When drawn geometrically, it appears as the classic spiral shape that we so often see on the seashells at the beach. Furthermore, the importance of phi was enshrined in many ancient structures throughout the world. As a ratio, it perfectly balances the forces of expansion and contraction, which can be demonstrated geometrically or mathematically, and its connection to music shows that it is a fundamental characteristic of the behavior of vibration. [10, 11]

Smelyakov and others assert that the vibrations of phi actually ripple through the very "fabric" of time and space itself, due to its innate harmonic characteristics. In our upcoming book The Divine Cosmos, we explain how Russian scientists have determined that what we call "space" is not empty, but is rather filled with an energetic medium that Nikola Tesla suggested "behaves as a liquid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat." The mysteries of the Universe, all the way from the "flat" formation of the known Universe to the anomalies of galaxy formation, the structure and function of our Solar System and even the world of quantum physics can all be unified together in a single, coherent model once we reintroduce this medium, which the ancient Greeks referred to as "aether." As seen in our second book Convergence III [11], many further mysteries of consciousness, life and the existence of "psychic" phenomena are explained by aether-based models as well, and the above list of "phi"-related cycles certainly adds to what we know that the research has already determined.

If we were to vibrate a fluid, then we would see wavelengths appear with the simple phi relationship occurring between them. Similarly, the phi relationship can be observed in the Universe, such as in the cycles of our Solar System. It appears that we have "ripples" of energy in our Galaxy that we move through in set intervals of time which are based on phi and which the Mayans were well aware of [10, 11], as we shall see in this article. Smelyakov has determined that our entire Solar System operates in a unified, harmonic fashion that he terms "the Solar-Planetary Synchronism," (SPS,) and its values are all related to each other by the phi ratio. This work allows us to predict the exact orbit of a hypothetical planet "Proserpine" past Pluto as ~510.9 years in length [6], as well as unifying the movements of the Asteroid Belt and the various cycles of solar activity with all other known harmonics (orbits) in the Solar System. Furthermore, as we said, the same cycles can be shown to affect human life and the movement of economic trends as well.

These connections between various celestial and terrestrial cycles are discovered by taking a basic time unit and then expanding or contracting it by various exponential powers of phi, where phi^0 is equal to 1, phi^1 is the classic ratio of 1.6180339 and phi^-1 is .618. Overall, Smelyakov calls the various powers of phi the "Auric series," and assigns this series the letter F. Thus, F is a geometric progression as follows: F = {…phi^-2, phi^-1, phi^0, phi^1, phi^2, …}, and this cycle can potentially expand infinitely in either the negative or positive direction.

So, to see this Solar-Planetary Synchronism in action, we begin by taking a given cycle in our Solar System and assign it to the center of the Auric series at phi^0. One example would be to take one Earth year for this basic cycle. If we were to do so, we then discover that phi^5 is 11.089, which is very close to the established value of 11.07 Earth years for the basic "sunspot cycle." This example shows us that the standard 11-year sunspot cycle is what Smelyakov would call the "fifth phi-harmonic" of the Earth's orbit. Obviously, most people would not expect there to be any connection between these two cycles, since the Sun and the planets are supposedly "separate." In the new model, they are very much integrated by the "aether." [11] This is but one of many examples that show how our Solar System works as a miraculously unified system, but in mainstream physics models that exclude the existence of an "aether," these connections are left unseen or ignored.

Smelyakov explains that most of the "phi-harmonics" that can be found in the Solar System are based on either the Earth's orbit of 1 year or the basic Sunspot cycle of 11.07 years. [6] Either of these cycles can be used as the central point upon which to calculate the harmonics of phi. When this is done, Smelyakov says that by taking various powers of phi or various powers of 2 x phi from these "seed" cycles of time, we get "most known basic periods in Nature and society from biology to geology, including economical cycles." [6]

Dr. Smelyakov's literally Earth-shaking discovery involving the Mayan Calendar cycle was found by a process similar to the above, where a given time cycle with a given start date is then divided into "a sequence of intervals [within it that have a] duration decreasing [by phi.]" Here, it is important to remember that the entire cycle decreases to a certain final moment at the end of the cycle. Even though the "phi"-based series F can theoretically extend infinitely in either direction, when you are dealing with a series that is exponentially decreasing in duration, the cycle does converge on one end-point, simply representing smaller and smaller intervals of time in that moment. This would be the same as how the central point of the spiral on a seashell is theoretically infinite in its imploding "recursiveness," yet you nevertheless can clearly define where the end of the seashell's spiral is.

What Smelyakov then did was to apply the "Auric series" F on the Mayan Calendar cycle. In doing so, that infinitely-converging end point would cluster around the Dec. 21, 2012 date. [6] Once this is done, we see that this imploding "phi" cycle has clear effects on celestial objects in interplanetary space and the behavior of lifeforms in time -- and this might explain why the Mayans stated that "time would collapse" at the end of their Calendar cycle. [3, 4] These connections have previously been intuitively suggested and explored by the late Terence McKenna in the "Timewave Zero" model, but there is still controversy over whether his discoveries are indeed scientifically sound. With Smelyakov's additions, any remaining mystery is cleared away and a far more discrete, verifiable model is introduced to support the basic premise of an "imploding cycle" centering around 2012-2013.

As we said, typically Smelyakov would take the value of the Earth's orbit at 1 year or the value of the Sunspot cycle at 11.07 years and then plug it into the center of the Auric series [phi^0] to locate other cycles. With the Mayan Calendar, the same process was performed, except that the total length of the Mayan Calendar at 5,125.3661 years was used as the central time unit for the Auric series, and the various "harmonics" of phi, in years, were then calculated. The commonly-agreed start time of August 6-13, 3113 BC was used as the origin of the cycle. And indeed, Smelyakov found "abrupt world-wide changes" at each of the cycle hit-points that were determined by this system. [6] The overall set of categories that Smelyakov correlated to the Auric series are as follows:

  • Global natural cataclysms [on Earth] and phenomena in Space [supernovas of nearby stars within our own Galaxy];
  • The coming of Great Teachers of humanity, as well as outstanding philosophers and scientists;
  • The originations of calendars (as systems for measuring Time/Space);
  • Demographic trends (specified by the population of China as an indicator of world trends);
  • The formation and interaction of worldwide religious/philosophical systems and States.

At the end of this paper, we shall see the integration of these categories in the excerpted Table 10 from Smelyakov's work, detailing what occurs in each "cycle hit point." Overall, we can see that we have a combination of cataclysmic changes with overall effects in population, and in the quality of spiritual consciousness of humanity as seen by the coming of great teachers, philosophers and scientists as well as the formation and interaction of new religious and philosophical systems. Thus, when a cycle that has demonstrable connections to spiritual consciousness is then seen to converge in our near future to an "Omega Point" of greatest energetic intensity, there is compelling evidence that this event shall correspond to a major change in human consciousness at large. [6] This would then appear to be the literal fulfillment of the various prophecies of Ascension from many various spiritual traditions, Christianity notwithstanding.


In order to give a complete background to the studies of history and neatly show the overall ebb and flow of population levels and cultural centers, Smelyakov focuses on the population [demographical] statistics for China, since they have accurate census data that has remained unbroken for more than 2,000 years. [6] Indeed, he found that all of the most important demographic changes in China clustered quite precisely around the "hit points" as specified by the Auric Series of the Mayan Calendar. The overall phases of civilization as seen in the Auric cycle development include:

1. Prolonged processes of condensation of centers of civilization;

2. Relatively short periods of founding of new cultures in some of the above centers;

3. Violent flourishing and expansion of the new cultures separated from the "parents";

4. Rapid and unexpected decay and contracting or disappearing of the "parent" civilizations.

Since these effects are already well-established, we can indeed expect "a lot of global surprises" in socio-political arenas in the next few years. Two "bifurcation points" of extreme change in 2003 and 2008 have been established from ''s studies of more local cycles of planetary movement as well as the statistically-estimated timing of the most significant population changes in China. There is no doubt that dramatic changes have already come into view since the publication of Smelyakov's work in 1999. The accuracy of his cycle predictions are further enhanced by the fact that in December 2000, he correctly pinpointed the Sept. 11th date (within a ten-day window surrounding Sept. 16th) as an "extremely dangerous" time for humanity, associated with airplane or other crashes, economic failures and warfare. [7, 8, 9] Even the nations involved in the problem, including the USA, Israel and Afghanistan, were included in is prediction, which was mentioned in The Mountain Astrologer magazine. [5]


Smelyakov also demonstrates the correlation between the Auric Time Series of the Mayan Calendar and major earthquakes. Prior to the 20th century, there was no Richter scale for measurement, and the severity of a quake was only mentioned by the number of deaths that it created. The National Earthquake Information Center of Russia has listed the top 21 most destructive earthquakes in the world from 856 AD to the present, and all of them occur during one of the "cycle hit points." Furthermore, the "imploding" nature of the cycle is seen by the fact that out of a total of 21 earthquakes, fully 9 of them occurred in the 20th century. [6] This strongly suggests that conventional methods of earthquake prediction and analysis need to be abandoned and a more unified "aetheric" view considered. [11]


Dr. Smelyakov et al.'s study shows that the Mayan Calendar, once properly understood, is not seen as simply a linear cycle of time but also as a focal point for an exponential "imploding" cycle of time based on phi. [6] Based on our upcoming published research, we feel that this cycle delineates our movement through areas of progressively higher aetheric vibration in the Galaxy. Each time we move into a new layer where the vibration of the "zero-point energy" medium of space increases, there are direct, dramatic physical effects.

This cycle has directly caused the last three geomagnetic pole inversions on Earth, a reliable succession of extremely powerful earthquakes and the triggering of "supernova" star explosions in nearby areas of our own Galaxy. [6] Almost every religious teaching in the world originated during one of the cycle points, including Krishna, Vyasa, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Fu-Si, Lao-tzu, Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato et al. and Christianity. [6] Practically all known ancient civilizations created calendars during these times as well, including China, India, Iran, Babylon, Egypt, Maya, et cetera. [6] And now with the work of Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev [1], we have also seen how the entire Solar System is showing signs of an ever-increasing energetic charge.

It is utterly remarkable that the Maya would be able to encode this cycle so clearly into their Calendar, with its connections not only to the linear phenomenon of precession but to an exponential phenomenon based on "phi" that has such clear energetic effects on both the material plane and the arena of consciousness. It is even more remarkable that this cycle would ratchet forward with ever-increasing intensity into the moment wherein the Earth's precessional position is in perfect alignment with the center of our Galaxy. [4] The mysteries of how and why all these cycles relate will be unveiled and integrated in our upcoming final book, The Divine Cosmos.

By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change with the overall flourishing of humanity in the cultural and spiritual sense, we see that as the cycle continues to exponentially accelerate its energetic rate of vibration into the 2012-2013 "singularity," we can expect ever-more rapid increases in human awareness, leading up to a discontinuous mega-event where "time and space collapse" as we know it. We believe that there is no reason to fear this change, as what we are moving towards is a literal shift in the basic characteristics of matter, energy and consciousness.

In our second article on this website entitled "A Scientific Blueprint for Ascension," we have demonstrated a connection between these energetic changes and the evolution of life on Earth. The work of Dr. Vladimir Poponin, Dr. Glen Rein and others show us that our DNA is actually an energetic "field effect" that appears to be an innate characteristic of the "vibrations" of space-time now around us. As these outer energetic changes occur, there are changes in life as well -- and as we demonstrated in Convergence III [11], once these energy increases reach a critical threshold there is a literal transformation of matter into a higher "density" or dimension of energy, thus rendering it invisible to those in our own "third density" or dimension. Though this seems quite impossible to believe, there are ample cases of human disappearance and / or invisibility and other anomalous effects on matter in the presence of high-intensity energetic fields. This includes "vortex" effects such as those documented in the Bermuda and Devil's Triangles, as well as lesser-known anomalies associated with tornadoes. [11]

From our research, it appears that the Ancients knew of this coming time quite well, and referred to it as the dawning of a Golden Age for humanity, the likes of which have never before been imagined. All of us are being given an opportunity to experience a collective initiation, as Gregg Braden would say, wherein we have the choice to move out of fear and into trust that the prophecies given to us are indeed accurate. These prophecies include the words of Jesus of Nazareth, who said, "As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater things…" [John 14:12.]


The following is the complete contents of Table 10 from Smelyakov and Karpenko's paper, detailing the exact nature of the various types of events that have clustered at each point in the Mayan Calendar-based Auric Series. [6] Further context and detail can be gained by downloading the complete paper itself. The numbers that we see before each paragraph begin with the number of the harmonic of phi in question, from -- 2 to 10, followed by the estimated number for population in China at the time, represented as a figure that indicates how many millions of people existed at the time. The third number is a value as a year which shows the exact point where the population spontaneously increased in size over a short period, based on the Chinese census data. The final fourth number in bold is the actual date for the cycle hit as calculated by the Auric Time Series. Certain special time periods and / or the omissions of some of the numbers are all explained in Smelyakov's paper, and for the sake of brevity we have not included these explanations.


Table 10. Separation Epochs of Auric Cycles for the Mayan Calendar and their Synchronism with Global Geocosmic Phenomena, Demographic Trends, and Development of Consciousness

-2 3.85 11,434 BC 11,446 BC

Epoch of termination of the last glacial era (XII-th millennium BC) Flash of Supernova; Geomagnetic inversion (second to the last); Intensification of earthquakes and volcanic activity (XIII-XI millenniums BC)

Change in surface of Central Asia (XII-th millennium BC)

-1 6.22 6294 BC 6296 BC

Flash of Supernova; Geomagnetic inversion (next to the last); Growth of concentration of precipitated uranium (VIII-VII millenniums BC)

Birth of Zoroaster (6194 BC -- by Aristotle)

Epoch of ruin of Atlantis (by Platon)

Epoch of "Creation of the World" (by Augustine et al.)

0 10.07 3113 BC 3113 BC

The last geomagnetic inversion (3.2-2.9 millenniums BC)

Total Solar eclipse at vernal equinox (3306 BC)

Beginning of the Kali Yuga (about 3100 BC)

Beginning of the Mayan Calendar (3113 BC)

Emergence of Sumerian civilization and Babylon (about 3000 BC): in those times they were provided with the star ascending tables and (at least, since 2500 BC) they used the Solar-Moon calendar

Up to the epoch of 3000 BC (since 4000 BC), the heliacal rise of Sirius in Memphis was the "exact" calendar for the annual flooding of the Nile River

Krishna, his era and record of the legend -- over 3000 BC

Vyasa, founder of Vedanta (about 3100)

Fu-Si (about 2852 BC) and his heirs had found and expanded the Chinese Empire up to the Eastern Sea and ordered the calendar that was later improved more fully during succeeding centuries; as well, Fu-Si discovered the trigrams that were further developed (See below) into the I Ching in the Age of Confucius

Yudistir (died in 3101 BC) -- founder of the Indrapresht, on the ruins of which Delhi was built in the XVII-th century (See Akbar, below)

1 16.28 1147 BC 1146 BC

Significant intensification of tectonic activity coincides with a growth in the concentration of precipitated uranium (about 1200 BC)

The Golden section of the Mayan Calendar (from the end to the beginning), 1155 BC

Fall of Troy (1194 BC)

End of the age of the creation of the Mahabrata (1500-1200 BC)

The discovery of Tibet and China by the Europeans

Beginning of the Iron Age (1200-1180 BC)

Ramses II (1314-1200 BC) establishes the Calendar of "lucky/unlucky" days

X 550 BC

Coming of the Great Pleiad of the Initiate Adepts and thinkers:

Gautama Buddha (621-544 BC)

Historical Maitreya (V­th century BC), Mahatma, successor of Gautama Buddha

Zoroaster (VI­th century BC)

Pythagoras (570-496, or 582-507 BC), Initiate, the most known of the mystic philosophers

Plato (427-347 BC), Initiate, the greatest European philosopher of the pre­Christian Age; he reflected the ideas of Vedanta and Pythagorean concepts

Herodotus (birth about 484 BC), the most exact of the historians, the founder of the European historical science

Anaxagor (about 500-428 BC), famous Ionian philosopher; one of those who firstly disclosed the secret Pythagorean concepts

Anaximander (610-546 BC), the first who put forward the concept of the evolution of human beings

Lao­tzu (VI­th century BC)

Confucius (551­479 BC)

Destruction of the Jerusalem's Temple, Babylonean Capturing (588 BC);

Final fall of Babylon (539 BC), being one of the richest countries and the hearth of science and culture

Greece makes the Eleusics (viz. initiations) the source of profits (520 BC)

The Phoenician expedition was the first to go around Africa (in the middle of the VI­th century BC), and was surprised by the anti­clock­wise movement of the Sun that they observed

Iran established a Zoroastrian calendar similar to the Egyptian type (VI-V centuries BC)

Solon (640-560 BC) established (in 593 BC) the first regular Solar­Moon Greek calendar which was edited by Meton in 432 BC

Phales of Miletus (625-547 BC), the first in Europe to be known by name who was recorded as predicting a Solar eclipse

Creation of I Ching (VI­th century BC) -- the number-one book in the history and culture of China, which is closely associated with the binary structure (2^6 =64) of the Mayan Tzolkin

(Y) 2 26.35 69 AD (56) 71 AD

Engendering of the Christianity; first persecutions of the Christians

Apostle Paul

Buddhism in China (65); great Chinese movement to the West

Worldwide Hebrew massacres (65)

Destruction of Jerusalem's Temple (70)

Eruption of Vesuvius (79)

Migration of Huns; Starting of the Great transmigration of peoples in Eurasia

The age of Sak (78) -- beginning of count of days in the national Indian calendar being officially accepted in 1957

Apollonius of Tian (Birth in the beginning of the 1st century AD, lived for about 100 years),

Initiate, earnest devotee of Pythagoras, the most famous historical personality of the "Age (viz. century) of Miracles'"

Simon Magus (1st century) -- the second, after Apollonius -- a famous Gnostic and magician who was called "The Great God's Might"

Claudius Ptolemaeus (end of the 1st century -- middle of the 2nd century) -- the creator of Almagestum and geocentric system which were used in astronomy until Copernicus, and the author of the Tetrabiblos, which still has an outstanding role in astrology that has steadfastly remained valuable right through to the present

3 42.63 820 AD 823 AD

Earthquakes in Iran in 856 (200,000 victims) and in 893 (150,000 victims)

The miraculous disappearance of the people of the Mayan Empire (830)

Beginning of the Kiev's Rus (See below)

(944 AD) Z (944 AD) 1035 AD

Flash of Supernova (1054)

Birth of the historical Quetzalkoatl (Kukulcan) (947)

Igor's (Kiev's famous duke) campaign against Byzantium (944),

Baptism of Kiev's Rus (988)

Starting of Indian and Himalayan campaigns of Mahmud (1001-1013)

Tibet­China war (1015)

Mongolia establishes the calendar relevant to Chinese analogue (1027)

4 69.98 1285 AD 1287 AD

Earthquakes in Asia Minor in 1268 (60,000 victims) and in China in 1290 (100,000 victims)

Dissemination of Zen­Buddhism in Japan (XIII­th century)

Invasion of Mongols in China, Japan, Java, Punjab (1276-1293)

Foundation of the Parliament in England (1265); Origin of the Ottoman Empire (1288), Moscow (1276) and Lithuanian (1293) Princedoms

Proscription of Hebrews from England, Christians from Palestine (1290-1291)

Decay of new Maya

5 111.61 1572 AD 1574 AD

The most terrible (relative to victims -- 830 000) earthquake on record in the world, China, 1556

Dreadful epidemic of the plague in Europe (1563) during a great conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Flashes of Supernovas: in 1572 (Tycho Brahe) and in 1604 (Kepler)

Europe: beginning of Renaissance, development of capitalism, Reformation and dissemination of Christianity over the world, establishing of world­wide empires, great geographical discoveries of 15­16 centuries

Asia: flourishing of the Mogul empire of the emperor Akbar (1542-1605) being called "the Solomon of India"

Flourishing and reformation of Moscow and Lithuanian Princedoms into kingdoms (1547, 1572, respectively); subjugating of Siberia by Ermak (1582)

Massacre in Vassi (1560), uprising of Huguenots in France (1567), Massacre of St. Bartholomew (1572), Religious riots in Japan (1571), London's punishment (1588)

Dissemination of heliocentric world outlook: Copernicus (1473­1543), Tycho Brahe (1546­1601), Giordano Bruno (1548­1600), Galileo (1564-1642), Kepler (1571-1630)

(1718 AD) (1718 AD)

A series of most destructive earthquakes: Caucasus, 1667 (80,000 victims); Italy, 1693 (60,000); Iran, 1727 (77,000)

Storm of Potala (1717); Manchurian Dynasty subordinates the land of Tibet (1720)

The reformation of Russia into an Empire (1718-1721), the first general census

The discovery of Easter Island and its monuments (1722) -- the only remains of Lemuria

The creation of a physical and mathematical foundation for the sciences: Newton (1643-1727),

G.W. Leibnitz (1646-1716) et al.

6 180.60 1749 AD 1752 AD

A series of most destructive earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons: India, 1737 (300,000 victims); Portugal, 1755 (70,000); Italy, 1783 (50,000)

The commencement of the industrial revolution and the flourishing of materialistic science, the disappearance of feudalism in Europe and the formation of colonial empires

Beginning of raids of Ahmed­Durran to India, riots in Mongolia and China (1747), intestine

wars in Java Island (1750). Seven Year's war, British­French wars in America, India; taking of

Pandishery by British troops (1750-1763)

Discovery of Uranus (1781)

7 292.21 1859 AD 1861 AD

Beginning of the age of triumph of materialism, pragmatic ideology and science

Helena Blavatsky (1831-1889) -- publication of the Secret Doctrine

Abolition of serfdom in Russian Empire (1961), the last serfage in Europe and on the 1/6 part of the land

Wars, revolutions, riots occur in many places on ideological and religious grounds (1845-1875)

Theoretical prediction and discovery of Neptune (1846)

(1901 AD) (1901 AD)

The epoch of beginning of the last evolutional cycle (1901-2013, viz. the XX­th century)

within the 7­phase Auric structure of the Mayan Calendar, which defines the period of continuous and accelerating reorganization of the world as a unitary system, both in material and ideological spheres

The period of the most destructive earthquakes (See Para. 12.3)

"The twentieth century has laid up for the humanity very strange events, and it may even happen for this century to be the last one" [15]

8 427.88 1926 AD 1929 AD

The age of Pluto -- symbolizing the development of nuclear power, world wars and world­wide cataclysms in both material spheres and the realms of consciousness

Discovery of the planet Pluto (1930) in this cycle is directly accompanied by the reaction of the

Pluto the Sovereign of the underground kingdom: during the period of 1920 to 1935, we see 5 of the 21 most destructive earthquakes over the 1140 years of registration, which seized

about 650,000 lives. We see the world­wide economical crisis, the world war that killed about 50,000,000 people, and the ideological split of the world community into two "superpower" systems with the looming threat of nuclear war

9 765.08 1968 AD 1971 AD

Earthquakes: Peru, 1970 (66,000 victims), China, 1976 (from 255,000 to 655,000); Iran, 1990 (50,000)

The age of the collapse of consciousness, seen by the inability to adapt to the consequences of this frontal breach into unprecedented spheres of knowledge and technology, which makes humankind the hostage of its achievements. Firstly, this is seen with global computerization and informatization of life; it is also seen with the exploration of Space (flights to other planets, space stations, militarization of the space). Then, we see the ecological and technological crisis, and the problem of the exponential growth of knowledge and technologies exceeding the human ability to monitor the consequences; there are epidemics in developed countries (AIDS, etc.)

Dissemination of the Eastern philosophy to the West, and Western logic and technology to the East.

[1987 AD] Flash of Supernova SN1987A in 1987 AD (See Para.12.3)

Intensification of technological, natural and ideological cataclysms: Chernobil Catastrophe, problems with utilization of chemical and nuclear wastes, heating of the atmosphere, seismic/volcanic drift of the Pacific platform, growth of ozone holes, etc.

Ruin of the communist world. Continuous political and armed world­wide confrontation on ideological and religious bases.

10 1238.05 1994 AD 1997 AD

The establishment of a "new world order" presenting misbalance on the background of the demographic "explosion" and global (natural, social, and technological [11-13]) cataclysms, the development of which is intensified with the coming of Saturn to the sign of Taurus (March 1, 1999)

Unprecedented (since WWII) military action in Europe begins exactly at the comet Hale­Bopp Time Focus on March 24th , 1999, which was previously manifested by military conflicts and riots in Albany (1997) and Kosovo (1998)

[Note: It is remarkable to point out here that one of Dr. Smelyakov's most serious Hale-Bopp time foci was for Sept. 16, 2001, +/- 5 days. This data was published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine in the winter of 2000. Smelyakov associated this period with "a series of events of extreme nature", and suggested that the countries involved would include the USA, Balkans, Central Europe, Moscow, India, Israel, Japan and Afghanistan. He indicated that there would be marked splashes in mental collisions, political disorders and military operations. The "splashes" that Smelyakov had referred to were seen as air and space crashes, fires and other technogeneous catastrophes. He made this prediction in the winter of 2000, saying that the time around the 16th was "dangerous."]

11 2003.26 2010 AD 2013 AD

The end of the Mayan Calendar


[1] Dmitriev, Aleskey. Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life. The Millennium Group, January 1998.:

[2] Fisher, D. Kondratieff Wave. May, 1998.:

[3] Gilbert, Adrian and Cotterell, Maurice. The Mayan Prophecies. Element Books, Inc., 1995. ISBN: 1-85230-906-7

[4] Jenkins, John Major. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. Bear & Company, 1998.:

[5] Reynolds, Carolyn. Monthly Horoscopes. November, 2001.:

[6] Smelyakov, S.V., Karpenko Yu.B. THE AURIC TIME SCALE AND THE MAYAN FACTOR: Demography, Seismicity and History of Great Revelations in the Light of the Solar-Planetary Synchronism. Kharkov, 1999. ISBN: 966-7309-53-3:

[7] Smelyakov, S.V., Whether the Comet Hale-Bopp is Opening the Gate to the Forthcoming Decade? November, 1997.:

[8] Smelyakov, S.V., The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp, Solar Activity and Major World Events. Summer, 2001.:

[9] Smelyakov, S.V., The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp -- the Magic Spectacles for Seeing the Mosaic of the Mundane Trends? Summer, 2001.:

[10] Wilcock, David. The Shift of the Ages. December, 2000.:

[11] Wilcock, David. Convergence III. April, 2001.: