David Wilcock

March 2, 2002

When most people think of God, or an Ultimate Being in the universe, they do not typically see the stars and planets and galaxies as thinking, evolving beings. Looking through their telescopes, scientists see only slow-burning nuclear furnaces scattered in a black emptiness. However, this prevailing view in science of a "dead," "godless" Universe has now been successfully challenged and replaced by a far more spiritually focused viewpoint, and all the required scientific evidence to prove it already exists. Using this new model, we can make a very strong case that the Earth and humanity is about to experience a physical and spiritual metamorphosis, where the very energy of atoms and molecules themselves suddenly transforms to a higher, faster vibration and we once again experience a "Golden Age" of civilization. This spiritual change has been predicted in many world religions and spiritual traditions, including Christianity. However, science relies on empirical facts, not speculation, and here it is important to mention that we can put "meat" on the bones of prophecy with the following hard facts regarding the changes that are occurring in the Earth, Sun and Solar System at this time:

  • A 410-percent increase in the overall number of natural catastrophes on Earth between 1963 and 1993 (Dmitriev 1997)

  • A 400-percent increase in the number of quakes on Earth (over 2.5 on the Richter scale) since 1973 (Mandeville 1998)

  • A 500-percent increase in Earth's volcanic activity between 1875 and 1993 (Mandeville 2000)

  • 9 out of the 21 most severe earthquakes from 856-1999 AD occurred in the 20th century (Russian National Earthquake Information Center, 1999)

  • A 230-percent increase in the strength of the Sun's magnetic field since 1901 (Lockwood, 1998)

  • A 300-percent increase in the amount of "severe" solar activity than what was formally predicted for the year 1997 alone (NASA 1998)

  • 400-percent or higher increases in the speed that solar particle emissions are capable of traveling through the energy of interplanetary space (NASA 1997-2001)

  • Recent magnetic pole shifts of Uranus and Neptune, as Voyager 2 observed their magnetic axes being significantly offset from their rotational axes (Dmitriev 1997)

  • Visible brightness increases now being detected on Saturn (Dmitriev 1997)

  • 200-percent increase in the intensity of Jupiter's magnetic field from 1992-97 (Dmitriev 1997)

  • 200-percent increase in the known density of Mars' atmosphere encountered by the Mars Surveyor satellite in 1997 (NASA 1997)

  • Significant melting of Martian polar icecaps in just one year, clearly seen in satellite photography (NASA 2001)

  • Significant physical, chemical and optical changes on Venus, including a sharp decrease in sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere and increasing brightness (Dmitriev 1997)

If we remember that the Sun contains fully 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System, then we can easily see that it wields the strongest thermal, gravitational and electromagnetic influence. In our books we have identified a clear physical mechanism that is causing our Sun to experience remarkable changes. These significant energetic changes in the Sun are then radiated outwardly via the "Solar Wind," dramatically increasing the charge and permeability of interplanetary space, causing charged particles to travel more quickly much as a droplet of water dashes around on a sizzling hot pan. The electromagnetic fields of the planets then absorb this increased energy flux, producing anomalous changes including internal heating, increases in earthquakes, volcanism and other natural catastrophes, increases in brightness and even magnetic pole shift.

Though Western science is not yet equipped to explain how such changes as earthquakes could be caused by an "outside" energetic influence, the full mystery is known amongst professional "underground" Russian scientific circles, and is easily explained by correcting certain fundamental errors in our prevailing concepts. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media gives almost zero coverage of even the most basic of the changes we have listed. Even in the Internet-dominated Western alternative / metaphysical media, one only hears about the changes in solar activity and increases in Earth's cataclysmic activity on occasion.

And yet, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, it is undeniable to almost everyone that certain ancient prophecies, such as those of the Judeo-Christian Bible, the Hopi, the Maya, the Hindu, the Buddhist and the aboriginal, appear to be taking place almost line by line. Increasing wars, diseases, earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts and other natural cataclysms, which eventually lead up to a "pole shift," all follow the pattern of "tribulations" that have been predicted by literally almost every source of religion or prophecy that has been recorded. That such tribulations are upon us now is evident, and easily proven scientifically. What most adherents to these various teachings do not realize is that these phenomena are being caused by a fundamental energetic change taking place throughout the entire Solar System.

When most people think of "Biblical prophecy," their mind immediately conjures up images of chaos, apocalypse and destruction, often believing on some level that the Earth is to be annihilated and there is little if anything to be done about it. A certain, noticeably smaller cluster of groups, associated with the now-distasteful label of "religious fundamentalists," are essentially standing by and waiting for Jesus to return and lift their own sect of "chosen" followers up to heaven in a "rapture" event, to the exclusion of all other sects. They also believe that the Earth will have "a thousand years of peace" after this event, and that after being "taken up," they will return to Earth in some newly transformed condition. Conventional science has no provision whatsoever for such a notion to even be discussed, much less proven, and thus it is tossed to the side without a second thought. Furthermore, the exclusivist nature of such denominational groups is extremely distasteful to all those who refuse to accept the dogma.

Enter our next subculture of discussion, the ever-increasing majority of the population who are actively interested in alternative spirituality, ancient cultures, prophecy, secret mystery schools, indigenous teachings, sacred geometry, extraterrestrial / angelic visitations, exotic physics and the like. Although there are an enormous number of books available on these topics, the Internet has brought these concepts home to a far wider audience in a way that was never before imagined. It is from this increasing subculture that a new paradigm has been struggling to emerge; a paradigm that offers unforeseen insights into the nature of reality and our place within that reality. It is a paradigm of "initiation," where one ceases to adhere to reductionist scientific ideals and instead becomes aware that a higher spiritual reality underlies all of physical existence as we know it.

These phenomena are well known and discussed in the Russian scientific community, but the Western-dominated view continues to remain completely unaware of it, even as they continue collecting the information that proves it. In late December of 2001, NASA released photographs showing that the icecaps on Mars are melting much faster than anyone could have expected, and earlier in that same year, bright light had been seen around Jupiter's moon Io and on the dark side of Venus, both of which were new and unexpected. The Russians have already reached a conclusion about why all these changes are happening, and this also is unknown in the Western scientific circles. According to their view, our Solar System is now moving into an area of the galaxy where there is a higher concentration of electromagnetic "plasma" energy than before. The Sun is absorbing this energy and radiating it out into the planets and the space between the planets. This energy is in turn absorbed into the planets and causes all the changes that we are now measuring.

The Sun's magnetic field surrounds all of the Solar System and beyond. Although magnetic fields are normally spherical in shape, the Solar System is moving through the Galaxy at a high speed, and the Galaxy's energy radiation and dust pushes the sphere into a teardrop shape. At the front of the Sun's magnetic field is a "termination shock" of glowing light that is caused by the energy, gas and dust of the Galaxy striking against it as we move through space. In the late 1990's, this glowing light was discovered to have become at least 1000 percent deeper, from a distance of 4 AU to 40 AU -- and now it may be as much as 100 AU in length. [An AU is 93 million miles in length, the distance of the Earth to the Sun.] The Russians have already realized that the only acceptable explanation for this change is that we are now moving into an area of higher energy concentration in the Galaxy.

As our research has progressed in this area, we have realized that there are many vertical bands of energy in the galaxy that our Solar System passes through. This is not difficult to see, as when we look at a magnetic field we know that it is a sphere that is composed of many different lines where the energy is the strongest -- and the Galaxy also has a spherical magnetic field that would obviously possess similar lines of force. In our first book Shift of the Ages, we have made a strong case that there are exactly 8,640 different bands of energy in the Galaxy, and that we pass through each one of them in roughly 25,920 years. This would mean that the Galaxy completes one full cycle of rotation in about 223,948,800 years, and astronomers have indeed calculated that the galaxy rotates once in approximately 225 million years.

We have established in The Shift of the Ages that both the Sun and the Earth precisely follow this 25,920-year cycle as we move through these energy bands in the galaxy. The Earth has a slow, circular motion on its axis that takes 25,920 years to complete, known as "precession," and Maurice Cotterell has discovered long-term cycles in the Sun’s behavior that also fit in exactly with 25,920 years. Ancient civilizations such as the Maya of Central Mexico have records which show that they were well aware of this knowledge as well. It is arguable that their information can be traced back to an ancient, advanced civilization that existed on the Earth more than 12,500 years ago before being destroyed in worldwide flooding and cataclysmic activity. Japanese scientists have concluded that the sunken monuments off the island of Yonaguni could not have been above sea level any earlier than 12,000 years ago, and this is just one of the many clues that suggests that such an ancient civilization actually did exist.

Many of the best clues that have helped us to understand the mystery of these energy systems in the galaxy and of the ancient history of "Atlantis" have come from the work of psychics, such as the well-known American prophet Edgar Cayce, who lived from 1877 to 1945. In our works, we use information from Cayce and other sources to help us understand how these energy fields operate, but every point that we make is supported with scientific data, with the intuitive data simply acting as a guide to show us where to look.

It was only in January of 2001 that I learned about the work of Russian physicist Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, which I have already mentioned above, concerning the fact that our entire Solar System is charging up with energy. During this same time, I was hired as the Research Director for the Time of Global Shift multimedia seminar tour, led by Dr. Scott Mandelker, whose Ph.D. is in East-West psychology and who has an extensive knowledge of Buddhism, having traveled and meditated in many different temples throughout Japan and Asia. With a source of non-profit funding as our aid, we joined forces to assemble our team and present the information in this book at seminars in cities throughout the U.S. Our Mission Statement is an excellent expression of what we feel is the heart of the information that we have to offer this planet:

"We believe the Earth today is on the verge of a critical transformation in both its physical form and energy body -- a shift which has been long-predicted throughout the world.

"We believe humanity is at the end of a major cycle of human soul evolution, and that we now stand before a radically new phase of planetary life -- literally, a renaissance of civilization.

"And yet, we each have the freedom to decide if we will join in this momentous event -- for despite the grandeur of the moment, we believe the keys to participation are quite simple...

"Each of us holds the keys, as they are but elements of our own true nature: basic human kindness, open heart and mind, and the desire to build a loving world society. And thus, it is a special time on Earth, a time of global shift."

We are glad that you have found this website and hope that you will be ready to accept the message that it has for all of humanity. We need not fear the changes that are occurring in the world, simply understand that everything is happening according to a Cosmic Plan that is well-known to those in the higher realms. The vision that we present may seem to be very fantastic, but that does not mean that it isn't true. Our ancestors did an incredible amount of work to try to prepare us for this event, and now we can put all the pieces back together and remember what was forgotten for so long.

Join with us now, keep an open mind and be ready to dream.

A magnificent future is waiting for you, if you are willing to see it.


CNN - Jupiter / Io brightness increase:

Dmitriev, Aleskey. Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life. The Millennium Group, January 1998:

Gilbert, Adrian and Cotterell, Maurice. The Mayan Prophecies. Element Books, Inc., 1995. ISBN: 1-85230-906-7

Pasichnyk, Richard. The Living Cosmos. 2000:

RENSE - Venus brightness increase:

Wilcock, David. The Shift of the Ages. December, 2000:

Wilcock, David. Convergence III. April, 2001: